Unpublished Cuneiform Texts of Umma City during King Šulgi Reign


  • Mohammed Hamza Hussein Al – Ta’ee College of Archeology/ University of Mosul


Cuneiform Texts, Mesopotamia, Umma, Ur III, Šulgi


Cuneiform writings are one of the most important sources of information about the history of ancient Mesopotamia because they enlighten us about the different aspects of that civilization. Three unpublished cuneiform texts kept in the Iraqi museum of Baghdad were chosen. Since these texts are of an unknown place of found -they were not obtained through archeological excavations- it was not easy to identify their exact date or the place of finding. After examining these texts thoroughly, reading, analyzing the terms, and identifying the historic expressions, it was found that they belong to King Šulgi Reign. The geographic location was also identified as belonging to the City of Umma (Chukha) based on the names of months reported in these texts.

The first text is a receipt for a number of copper tools (hammers and axes). The receipt is dated in the third month of the twenty-nine year of King Šulgi reign. The second text contains spending of various quantities of wheat; it was dated in the third month of the twenty-nine year of the same King. Whereas the third text contains personal belonging consisting of two small shovels or ploughing tools. This text was dated in the twelve month of the thirty year of King Šulgi reign.


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( ) المتولي، نوالة أحمد محمود، مصدر سابق، ص 25.

( ) للمزيد ينظر: باقر، طه، مصدر سابق، ص 385-387.

( ) CDA, P. 81: a; CAD, E, P. 337 : a

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( ) RLA, VoL. 4, P. 35.

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( ) Cohen, M.A. The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East, Maryland, 1993, p. 166 ; RLA, Vol. 5, p. 500.

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( ) Thomsen, M.L., Op. Cit, pp. 176.

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كذلك ينظر: قاموس اللغة الأكدية، مصدر سابق، ص 315.

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Thomsen, M.L., Op. Cit, p. 101

( ) Halloran, J.A., OP Cit, P. 258 : a.

( ) CDA, p. 358: b.

( ) RLA, Vol. 5 , p. 300 ; Cohen, M.A., Op. Cit, p. 186.

( ) AHw, p. 18 : b ; CDA, p. 7 : a.

( ) Thomsen, M.L., Op. Cit, pp. 241 -242.







How to Cite

Unpublished Cuneiform Texts of Umma City during King Šulgi Reign. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 84, 481-496. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/536

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