Semantics of masks In Mesopotamia


  • Samah Ali Khalf Department of Archaeology/College of Arts /University of Babylon


Mask, gods, religious rituals, magic, Mesopotamia


The research boils down to studying masks in Mesopotamia, and although the topic of masks seems strange at first glance, because it is known that the Mesopotamia civilization did not make masks like those that appeared in Africa and Asia , they actually existed since the role of Jemdet Nasr from the proto- literate( 3500-2800 BC) according to the data that we have, and the reason is the lack of knowledge or reference to it is the lack of finding examples of it, this confirms that it was made from perishable actor materials, the few that have reached us are made of stone, some of the statues or part of them , or they were found on wall sculptures or seal scenes , some of the masks were previously worn, the priestess used to perform a role in religious rituals related to the gods, such as epics and myths, and others were worn by the priests to perform as an religious rituals to exorcise evil spirits and heal the sick, others are worn by hunters to help in hunting animals , so the Focus was on the subject of religious rituals and their types , the role of the gods, the meaning of magic , and the reasons for its connection to rituals and its types, when talking about each type of ritual, examples of masks were mentioned , whether it is a mask itself or a statue of a person wearing the mask , or it is represented on sculptures murals or seals impressions ,of a god holding a mask or of people wearing masks


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صور الاشكال :

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How to Cite

Semantics of masks In Mesopotamia. (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 91, 350-375.

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