The implications of the military and administrative actions of the kings in the historical summer of the modern Sumerian era (2112-2004 B.C)
Semantice, Military and administrative works, Historical formulas, Modern, Sumeriabn eraAbstract
Historical formulas are one of the systems of recording history adopted by the ancient Iraqis if they gave each year a name representing an incident that occurred either in the previous year or at the beginning of the current year and they began using this method since the Akkadian era until the end of the ancient Babylonian era with the fall of the city of Babylon in 1595 BC and in the Kashi era the history was the age of the kings and remained followed to the Seleucid era when the year 311 BC was taken as a fixed covenant dated by the exception of a short period in which I use the date of my age The rule of kings and that was in the time of the first Lagash dynasty in the middle of the third millennium BC, while the Assyrians used the Assyrian (Lamo) method in naming each year of the king's reign after a senior state official in a periodic body.
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