Orchards and literature (legends as a sample)
Orchareds, Literature, legends, Mesopotamia, gardener, anunnakki gods, agriculture, growth, archaeological, excavationAbstract
Literature is one of the most important manifestations of civilization in Mesopotamia, and its importance comes from the multiple aspects of it and the various contents that it dealt with, in which the writer of Mesopotamia civilization highlighted wonderful products that reflected the advancement of thought and belief. The realism of things and the possibility of their occurrence. As for the other part of it, the Mesopotamian writer went to the sky of imagination to reflect upon us a perception and an intellectual dimension of this writer, and although the second part of this literature comes within the framework of imaginary connotations far from reality, the recipient of this literature dealt with it realistically and comprehensively. To be affected by this literary product, which transcends purely religious and social purposes. The literature of Mesopotamia was associated with many aspects of daily life, and agriculture in its comprehensive concept and the many related particles that came in the forefront of which came in its many aspects, including myths, epics, governance, debates and other literary aspects.
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