Control of industrial professions and crafts in Mesopotamia for the period (2004-539 BC)


  • Aseel Mohammed Naji جامعة بغداد- كلية الآداب- قسم التاريخ
  • Amer Hamza Al-Gharib جامعة بغداد- كلية الآداب- قسم التاريخ


professions, crafts, Mesopotamia


All industrial professions and crafts in Mesopotamia were subject to a strict regulatory law within a functional, professional, or craft hierarchy, meaning all masters of professions and crafts were subject to the  supervision of each other, chief among them the law represented by the state.                                                           

As a result of the existence of this system, work was carried out accurately and in accordance with the law. This does not mean that there were no cases of violation of the law; Because the state was preoccupied with its great responsibilities, it worked to appoint observers for every profession and craft. To determine the work completed and its accuracy by preparing a daily, weekly, or monthly report for review by the supreme censor represented by the state


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How to Cite

Control of industrial professions and crafts in Mesopotamia for the period (2004-539 BC). (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 91, 306-349.

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