Commercial collective business in Mesopotamia civilization
اعمال, تجارة, حضارة, بلاد الرافدينAbstract
Mesopotamia is characterized by the fertility of its lands, its abundance of water and its richness in natural resources, and as a result of the availability of those Resources Diversity in the economic activities of the residents of Mesopotamia civilization, while their majority people dwelt in agriculture, which became the mainstay of the country's economy in ancient times. As what agricultural work necessities require from machines such as plows, planers and powders, this contributed to the emergence of specialization in work and those who work in craft activities such as blacksmith and carpenters. commercial activities. It is worth noting that the primitive development witnessed by man in prehistoric times is a product preceded by an urgent need that emerged from the difficulty of that nature and which was able to use its raw resources to satisfy the needs of his group, who formed joint collective work in overcoming that nature and harnessing it in their favor, so we can say that collective action and activity It is a social phenomenon found among the members of the old Iraqi society, who lived a common life with his group in hunting, hunting and moving from one place to another in search of his strength and resulting fromInitial social relations, as this approach depends on forming work teams to achieve specific goals in the light of specific tasks that are required to be performed by the team. This provides great opportunities for each worker in the team to benefit with others and to acquire new skills as it encourages workers to play a more effective role in the work that they do It out. The topic of my research may include work and productive collective activity and what I assign to him about commercial and collective work and activity, relying in this regard on what has been received from us from written sources on both Arabic and foreign ones in which the trade dealt with its origins and development in Mesopotamian civilization and the foundations of commercial activities which includes the merchant and his work activity and markets Their importance as well as land and water transport and the effectiveness of their role in the prosperity and expansion of trade.
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