Religious works in Collective Construction


  • Maysoon Ayyed Ibrahim جامعة بغداد/كلية الاداب /قسم الاثار
  • Faaz Hadi ali Al- Hasnawy جامعة بغداد/كلية الاداب /قسم الاثار


اعمال, جماعة, عمارة


Defining religion is that feeling towards the things around us that it is the mysterious feeling that there is a system of things that is superior to us and of everything that surrounds us and we feel our tendency to submit to it or move towards it. Religious beliefs and ideas are the most important factor in Defining the general framework of a person's behavior, life, customs and traditions, and the background affecting his economic, social and political life. Archaeological discoveries and researches specific to the philosophy of religious thought and religious beliefs in man showed that he is old with his early beginnings with the sane human feet, and because man did not go to writing until the beginning of the third millennium BC, and since the environment is the first influence on human civilizations in general and man in particular through waste The materialism that he left in the previous stages: it became clear that the ancient person was affected by the environmental phenomena surrounding him to the point that he became a goddess and began to emulate those cosmic phenomena (gods) and began dealing with them in a manner commensurate with the level of his thinking and interests to be able to benefit from their good and avoid their evil, so he took it upon himself in the stages Subsequent building of temples (houses of the gods) and offering sacrifices and offerings in order to satisfy them, as well as making them their own symbols, and the civilization of Mesopotamia was distinguished by its architecture, especially religious architecture, and the spiritual and civilizational implications it reflected for us. The building plans and its magnitude are a reflection of the economic, social and religious organization in addition to the effort and collective activity that drained in Building and construction works, including research, include religious group work As the residents of Mesopotamia civilization took it upon themselves to build those monuments (temples and ziggurat), then they are a reflection of the effort and ingenuity of the old Iraqi architecture. First, the temple is its emergence and development, and secondly, the ziggurats are their ages and development.


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How to Cite

Religious works in Collective Construction . (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 77, 107-132.

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