موقف الجاليات الأجنبية من الصراع السياسي أبان فتره الخلافة العباسية (232-478هـ/846-1094م)
During this period, the Abbasid Caliphate witnessed the weakening and the leakage of power from their hands and the loss of their hegemony, with the presence of foreign elements from the Turks, Diyamah and other communities. In the policy of the state, they started interfering in the affairs of the state and its security, through riots and disturbances in the state from time to time, demanding once to raise their overdue salaries and once to increase them. Their livelihoods are released just as riots and sedition have become frequent on their part, and they were transgressing against the common people, taking their animals, looting and disposing of their homes, destroying their markets, and increasing hostile people and taking their money. The Sunnis cut the Karkh, burn and destroy the Shiite markets, and kill some of them, so the Caliph is forced to intervene and calm things down, to put an end to sedition. The riots and strife that the soldiers cause from time to time are caused by the deteriorating conditions in the state and the weakness of the caliph’s personality. As for the group surrounding him, as well as the lack of efficiency of the ministers and the inefficiency of the ministers in providing the necessary matters to spend on similar ones, which makes the caliph search for a personality that is more powerful who can overcome the circumstances His state and ends the riots, disturbances and temptations of these non-Arabs and their interference in the affairs of the Caliphate and their endless demands.
اولاً: المصادر
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