التوثيق الرقمي للمباني الأثارية الاسلامية التي تعرضت للتخريب من قبل تنظيم داعش في محافظة نينوى(دراسة ميدانية) ((جامع الأغوات وجامع الجويجاتي أنموذجا))"
توثيق, تخريب, تنظيمAbstract
The architectural and technical aspect is an important pillar in archaeological studies, and even contributes significantly and effectively to reaching the facts of archaeological studies. The need for documentation in archaeological studies increases when there are circumstances that may affect the identity of these monuments and to indicate their importance and noting to study everything related to them because they may be Subject to falling due to climatic conditions or deliberate destruction and sabotage, as happened in the models that we will study.
It was necessary for us to explain the importance of these buildings, their history and importance in the Iraqi civilization and their architectural pillars, detailing their elements, and explaining their wonderful architectural features that were destroyed by ISIS(1) and the gangs associated with it that distorted the historical, artistic and psychological identity of everything related to these monuments, which are considered our shame and the inheritance of humanity in general. And the people of Iraq in particular, which we will talk about briefly.
And then talk about the destroyed parts and indicate the extent of the damage, whether in whole or parts of the building, or focusing on a specific thing of those buildings, such as mihrabs and rare minbars in mosques or small mosques, with attached pictures of the two stages before and after to show the differences in the single building. This was in the buildings that were renovated Or under renovation and maintenance.
The nature of the research necessitated dividing it into an introduction, two chapters and appendices, which were represented by images related to the research:
The first topic included: a study of the location, history and planning of each of the collectors targeted in the study, while the second topic: studying the decorations of the collectors and the damage they sustained. Accessories that included pictures of the buildings included in the study.
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