اليهود في عصر الرسالة من خلال كتاب الشخصية المحمدية السيرة والمسيرة للمستشرق اميل درمنغم
Orientalism, Emile Dur Mungham, the biography of the Prophet, the book on the Muhammadan personality, biography and journey, the JewsAbstract
Islamic studies were given great importance by orientalists, and among them was the French orientalist Emile Der Munghem, who gave importance and care to documenting Islamic history, especially the history of the prophet’s biography in his book the personality of Muhammad, the Biography and the Journey. He presented Mecca and Medina and the most important historical figures and events, and he shed light on the Jews, especially the Jews. The Banu Qaynuqa’ were the first Jews to break the covenant between them and the Messenger of God (PBUH), and they fought him between Badr and one year, so the Messenger of God (PBUH) besieged them until they came down his ruling. Then the orientalist Emile Dur Mungham touched on one Jewish poets. Their merchants who harmed our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslims
- القران الكريم
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قائمة المراجع الحديثة
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-مراد, يحيى
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المراجع المعربة
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مواقع من النت
https://Fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmileDermenghem. 1-
الاطاريح والرسائل
_ابو راس, هود محمد منصور
- الخطاب القراني لاهل الكتاب وموقفهم منه قديماً وحديثاً, اطروحة دكتوراه منشوره, جامعة ملايا-ماليزيا- قسم القران والحديث, 1431هـ/2011م.
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Sites on the Internet
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Theses and messages
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