عمارة المكتبة المركزية في مدينة كركوك (دراسة ميدانية)
عمارة, مدينة, كركوكAbstract
The library has made a great contribution to the upbringing and education of the writer and researcher and its enrichment of information, in addition to its role in gaining the society for knowledge and knowledge. The library is one of the service and cultural symbols in societies, cities, and universities. At the beginning of the matter, the clay figure was used to preserve baskets of clay or reeds, or in pottery jars or boxes. It is mentioned that the first libraries were the library of Assyria Banibal, and then they provided us with Islamic information. The rulers of Islamic countries also took care of libraries and supplemented them with rare books. The Abbasid era is considered the most important era in terms of interest in libraries and preserving them as the library and the library. It began to develop little by little from a simple place to a more detailed place, where the Kirkuk library has been affected by development until it reached its highest place today and expanded and filled its shelves with books and stores for various stores and books.
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