المفهوم الديني للمَعْابَد في بلاد الرافدين
Religion, Temples, MesopotamiaAbstract
This research entitled (the religious concept of temples in Mesopotamia) deals with the topic of the temple as one of the forms of architecture linked mainly to religious beliefs. In the civilization of Mesopotamia. With the people leaving the caves, the stage of stability in villages and agriculture began, the first features of religious thought took shape gradually under the influence of a group of Factors, including natural and economic, and the religious factor was one of the most important factors affecting the change of lifestyle, and with it the residential places developed until the residential homes were separated from the places of worship. In historical times, temples remained sacred throughout the serial stages, serving religious purposes as the house of God on earth and a place for his worship and the establishment of rituals and rituals.
The earliest evidence of the emergence of temples in Mesopotamia came from Copacli Tepe in the upper Mesopotamia from the Neolithic period before the pottery in the form of a group of buildings that are not clearly defined and shrouded in ambiguity in their functions. Al-Rafidain, especially in Tal Al-Sawan, despite the difficulty in identifying and defining its architectural features, the archaeologists interpreted them as ritual buildings. With the beginning of the historical eras, that is, after the creation of writing in the late fourth and early third millennium BC, temple architecture took an almost complete form in terms of architecture and design and began to gradually develop until it occupied a distinguished position in the beliefs of the Mesopotamian civilization. Cuneiform, which dealt with many aspects of temples.
Thus, in order to get acquainted with the topic and to present a clear picture of the concept of the temple and its religious tasks, this study requires the followers of the descriptive and analytical method by presenting basic aspects of the temples, and we have relied on the sources that dealt with the Mesopotamian civilization, the writings of Iraqi historians and archaeologists, and reports of the results of archaeological excavations.
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-المصادر الفارسية:
-مشكور،محمد جواد، 1966، تأريخ أورارتو، تهران.
- المصادر التركية:
(الخارطة-1 ) توضح المواقع الأثرية في شمال وجنوب بلاد الرافدين
مأخوذة بتصرّف من المصدر (مورتكات، 1975، 14).
الخارطة-2 يبين المواقع التي تحت تأثير طوبكلي تبة في شمال بلاد الرافدين، مأخوذة بتصرف من (Kodaş, 2012, 104)

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