ملامح عامة حول الموسيقي في حضارة بلاد الرافدين ( القيثارة انموذجاً)
ملامح, موسيقى, حضارةAbstract
Music is one of the important aspects of the civilization of Mesopotamia, as the ancient Mesopotamian man attached great importance to music as it is closely related to singing, which is also associated with multiple life joints, including joy, lament, mourning, prayer, supplications and other various aspects of life, which are usually linked to religious aspects. These aspects were performed with the accompaniment of music and musical instruments, as the arts of Mesopotamia reported to us many artistic scenes related to music and musical instruments, as well as the cuneiform texts that gave us many names related to these musical instruments as well as some tones and musical notes and various information related to one way or another to the aspect Music and musical instruments. Because of the importance of music in the civilization of Mesopotamia and the importance of musical instruments and the diversity of information associated with them, the researcher decided to delve into the research on this subject and the focus was on the cuneiform texts and the valuable information they produced about music and musical instruments, and the focus in this research was on one important musical instruments, namely The harp, , trying to highlight the information related to this instruments and tools and trying to analyze the texts and link them to the cultural heritage, but the research has adopted its axes and its divisions depending on the various information provided to us by the cuneiform texts.
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