التاريخ السياسي والحضاري لبلاد النوبة في العصر البطلمي ابان الفترة(332ق.م-30ق.م)


  • ظفر نعمة عيلان


بلاد النوبة


The research touched on the political and cultural history of Nubia in the Ptolemaic era during the period (332 BC - 30 BC). The research consists of four axes, the first axis entitled (The Naming of Nubia according to the historians of the Greeks). The country of Nuba, which means people with black skin, and there are also other names for the country of Nubia in the Ptolemaic era, including the Kingdom of Kush, the Kingdom of Napata, the Kingdom of Meroe and the name of Sudan later, the second axis entitled (the geopolitical location of the country of Nubia), as the country of Nubia had a distinct location, which facilitated communications between The north, south, east and west, it represents a meeting place for civilizations in the east and west and allowed Egypt to access resources from Africa, and interest in the country of Nubia increased during the Ptolemaic era; Al-Allaqi, and traces of the Ptolemies have been found to exploit those mines there. The third axis is entitled (The Ptolemies’ political aspect towards the south (Nuba) in the Ptolemaic era) and includes the political aspect of the Ptolemies towards Nubia. down; The Ptolemies drew up a special policy for themselves, summed up in maintaining the areas that extend to the south of Aswan at a distance of (110) kilometers, which they called (Dodekachinos), which include (Daboud, Tafa, Kalabsha, Jarf Hussein, Al-Dikka, Kuban, Qourtah, and the Muharraq). It also included the political aspect of the Ptolemies towards the country of Upper Nubia. The Kingdom of Meroe had a contemporary with the Ptolemies and one of its most prominent kings was the Nubian King Arkamon "Argamenes" who was a contemporary of Ptolemy II, and the Nubian King "Azkhar Amen" and it seems that the relations between the country of Upper Nubia and the Ptolemies were friendly and peaceful As for the fourth axis, entitled (The Civilizational Side of Nubia in the Ptolemaic Era), it includes the archaeological sites in Lower Nubia and the role of the Ptolemaic kings in repairing the temples and the inscriptions, scenes and rituals they left that indicate the extent of the Ptolemies’ interest in the Nuba temples and the sanctification of their gods, such as the temple of Isis in Dabod, the Tafa temple, the Kalabsha temple The Temple of the Deck, the Temple of the Holocaust. As for the civilized aspect of Upper Nubia, the Ptolemaic civilization was concentrated in Meroe, which is contemporary to it; As the Ptolemaic culture penetrated into Upper Nubia, as the kings of Meroe, especially the Nubian king Arkamon “Argamenes” were influenced by the Greek civilization, he introduced Greek systems and laws and was saturated with Greek culture. The Meroitic civilization overlapped with other civilizations and interacted with them, and it is not an isolated civilization, and the archaeological evidence proved that relationship between Meroe and its contemporary Ptolemaic.


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How to Cite

التاريخ السياسي والحضاري لبلاد النوبة في العصر البطلمي ابان الفترة(332ق.م-30ق.م). (2022). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 83, 3-30. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/200

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