The political and military relations between the countries of Morocco and the countries of Hijaz between the seventh and ninth centuries AH / the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries AD
political relations and return, Maghreb countries, Hijaz countries, HajjAbstract
Those who read the pages of Islamic history believe that most countries and countries often seek to establish good relations with multiple political forces and other countries, and therefore it is natural to note that the ruling authority in the countries of the Maghreb was always keen to establish good relations with the country of Hijaz, despite the presence of the vast distance and after the neighborhood, and how not and the country of the Two Holy Mosques is a blessed spot, it is the ventilation of the interest and the focus of attention, and in which the house Al-Ateeq and the Noble Prophet’s Mosque, not to mention the established doctrine that arose in the hearts of the caliphs, sultans and princes throughout the ages and times, and this was not only one of the most important foundations of stability in government, but rather to win the hearts of the common people and thus in establishing good relations with the rulers of the Hijaz, in order to give the religious character the legitimacy of government in any country, as well as the desire of rulers to check And the safety of his arrival and ensuring that they are not offended
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