الملوك والبساتين في حضارة بلاد الرافدين
Orchared, kings, cuneiform texts, Mesopotamia, agricultural land, fruits, fields, irrigation projectAbstract
The rulers and kings of Mesopotamia were concerned with the many aspects of life, whether religious or worldly. They built luxurious temples to please their gods, decorated them and presented them with offerings, gifts and favors, and organized the administrative aspects in them to serve their proper functioning. These kings also built luxurious palaces for them and considered them part of their prestige. And the prestige of the state, and one of the things that the rulers and kings of Mesopotamia were interested in is the orchards, so they made it a place that facilitates their sight, a place to spend their spare time, and a suitable place for recreation and away from the problems that plague the country, as well as the fruits it produces related to their food and the food of their gods and their inhabitants
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