معايير الارث الحضاري والحفاظ عليه بين فكر ملوك بلاد الرافدين ولوائح المنظمات الدولية: دراسة تقاربية تحليلية
standards, heritage, civilization, Mesopotamia, international organizationsAbstract
The topic of our research entitled Criteria for determining and preserving the cultural heritage between the thought of the kings of Mesopotamia and the regulations of international organizations is one of the important topics as it gives a clear rooting for the idea of preserving the cultural heritage that occupies the thought of countries and organizations related to the subject. With the kings of Mesopotamia and other archaeological evidence, and when reviewing those texts, it was noted that the kings’ interest in that legacy was comprehensive in its diversity compared to the criteria for determining the cultural heritage of international organizations, to reach a final conclusion that the criteria for determining that legacy are similar between the thought of kings and international organizations specialized in this field, Which is what we reviewed in our research pages.
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