Curses, related designations, and their causes
بلاد الرافدين, النصوص المسمارية, اللعنات, الالهة, الدعاءAbstract
Curses are one of the most important cultural manifestations that characterized Mesopotamia. These curses varied between strong and less powerful curses. The most important sources of their infliction and occurrence are the gods, demons, and other things. Several gods were also associated with curses, and it can be said that all gods have the power to curse them. Inflicting curses on human beings. Curses were not limited to humans only, but were also linked to plants, animals, and other things.
As for its infecting human beings, it affected the common people, kings, princes, and slaves, and everyone could be infected with it. The people of Mesopotamia knew many ways to get rid of curses, the most important of which is supplication and prayer.
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