Administrative formation in the Neo Assyrian Period (911-612 BC)


  • Lamyaa Saad Agar University of Baghdad / College of Arts / Department of History
  • Munther Ali Abdulmalik University of Baghdad / College of Arts / Department of History


administrative system, the modern Assyrian state, jobs


The Assyrian state imposed its political dominance over a wide area of ​​the globe during the first millennium BC. So, it’s had been fought the Elamites to the east, the Urartians to the north, the Arameans and Egypt to the west. Babylon (to the south) had represented the strategic depth of the Assyrian state. So, when it had imposes tight political control over Babylon, its administrative policy would be tightened over Sumer and Akkad. Then it had proceeded outside and unleashed its political control over the north, south, east and west. For sure, this political control would be died without the existence of a coherent administrative apparatus by its employees from its senior one till the smallest, where everyone owes an absolute loyalty to the king.

From this perspective, the dissertation has come to three axes: in the first, we will deal with an introductory profile about the administrative system in the Assyrian Empire, while in the second axis we will discuss the most prominent administrative pillars, of which are: (the king, the senate and employees), as we will show how did they perform their jobs, and how did they relate to each other. The research concluded with a set of results and a list of used sources and references.


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How to Cite

Administrative formation in the Neo Assyrian Period (911-612 BC). (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 84, 561-576.

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