الجنرال ريجنالد ونجت ودوره السياسي والاجتماعي في السودان 1900 - 1916
الجنرال ريجنالد ونجت, دوره السياسي والاجتماعي, السودانAbstract
The policy of General ( Sir F. Regimald Wingate) played a major and effective role in Sudan, during his assumption of the position of Governor-General for the period between the years (1900 - 1916 AD), where his rule extended for seventeen years, and his administrative and political style had an effective impact on the developments witnessed by the Sudanese government. During the British-Egyptian occupation in 1899 AD.
General Wingate was considered the founder of actual British rule in Sudan, as he took many measures in which he prioritized British interests and secured British influence, which led to his administrative, political and social dominance, which led to the creation of senior administrative, military and civilian positions in areas of life such as political and social. This development was accompanied by reforms in the educational systems through the establishment of Gordon College, government and missionary schools, and the Scientific Institute. It was also accompanied by the development of social services in both the municipal and health sectors, which led to the consolidation of British influence and the formation of a British basic base that ensured the continuation of British rule in Sudan.
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المقابلات الشخصية:
مقابلة شخصية عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مع الدكتور بشير احمد محي الدين بتاريخ 29 نيسان 2020

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