Baraka Khan and his political and social role in the land of Qafjaq
Berka Khan, Qafjak Khanate, Mongols, Russia, Golden HordeAbstract
This research aims to highlight the role of Prince Barakah Khan bin Jogi Khan bin Genghis Khan, Prince of the Golden Horde, in extending political influence and expanding his rule over the Qafjak Khanate and the Mongolian contact with the Mamluks of Egypt socially, as Barakat Khan had converted to Islam and by his entry into Islam paved the way for the sons of his tribe to enter him .
The country of the Qafjaq was transformed during the reign of the prince into a private khanate alone belonging to the Ilkhanen kingdom, and the Emir of the Golden Horde and after him ruled in the tributaries of the regions that were adjacent to the Qafjak extending from parts of Russia to the Gulf of Finland and to the west from within Poland, and their rule lasted about two centuries for the period (636-886 AH) / 1240-1502AD).
In addition to the political and social system, the role of Birka Khan in the economic system was prominent and the interest in the lands acquired by the Mongols in the southern Russian plains. And in addition to the trade that was common to them, trade exchange is done largely with the city of Saray, and it is done by bringing in commercial goods such as silk, spices and others.
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