The struggle for power in the Qajar era during the rule of Aga Khan Nuri 1851 – 1858


  • Asaad Ali Suleiman جامعة الأنبار


Iran, Qajarera,constitutionalrevolution, Fath Ali Shah, Nasir al-DinShah, AmirKabir


Many personalities have emerged in Iran during its modern history, especially those who appeared in the Qajar era, including the personality of, who was considered one of the most important figures who had a prominent role in Iran. Hence our interest in studying this historical figure, as studying political figures is of great importance. Very important in historical studies, this came from the standpoint of the philosophy of “the role of man in history.” Man is the maker of the historical event, and to understand the event, its circumstances, and the reasons for its occurrence, we must fully know the nature of the personality that created that event, and Sultan Ali Khan is one of those personalities who contributed. He was effective in creating a distinctive event in the modern history of Iran. He left a clear mark, the results of which were reflected in the history of Iran, as he was considered one of the national figures, especially regarding the way he dealt with the various challenges faced by the country from those aspiring to the throne and foreign powers. However, the convergence of the interests of those parties thwarted the tendencies of That man and his national project 


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How to Cite

The struggle for power in the Qajar era during the rule of Aga Khan Nuri 1851 – 1858. (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 93, 245-268.

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