The views of the orientalist Berthold Spuler on the foreign relations of the Mongol-Kipchak state during the reign of Mangutimur Khan (665-681 AH/1267-1282 AD(
Berthold Spuller, Mangutimur Khan, Mongol-Kipchak State, Foreign RelationsAbstract
This research focuses on the vision and analysis of the German orientalist Berthold Spoler of the foreign relations of the Mongol-Kipchak state under one of its most important rulers, Mongke-Timur, for the period (681-665AH / 1282-1267 AD(.
The summary of Berthold Spoler's vision of the foreign relations of the Mongol-Kipchak state during the reign of Mongke-Timur is that it was characterized by rapid change with all parties between improving relations with some countries according to the requirements of interest or shifting towards hostility, but the constant in that policy is the continuation of the close alliance and cooperation with the Mamluk-Turkish Bahri state
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رابعاً المصادر الاجنبية
1- Golden Horde , p86
2- Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa. The Travels of Marco Polo، Volume 2، Book 4، Chapter 1. Edited and annotated by Henry Yule and revised by Henri Cordier، 3rd Ed. 1903.
3- Spuler, Golden Horde , p.8
4- Spuler، Bertold، Golden Horde ، p. 91.

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