The political and social impact of the Wafidiyya in the Mamluk state during the reign of Sultan Katbugha ( 694 – 696 AH / 1295-1296 AD )
الأثر, السياسي, الوافديه, المماليك, كتبغاAbstract
There were many reasons that encouraged the Wafidiyya sects to come and settle in the Mamluk state , including political and economic reasons , as well as a group of sultans of the Bahri Mamluk state encouraging these sects to settle in Egypt and the Levant , especially the Mamluk sultans of Mongolian origins . However , the largest waves of Mongolian arrivals were during the reign of the Mongols . Sultan Katbugha, which was Known in Mamluk sources and was called Al-Mustaminah or Al-Mustaminin , and they were also known as Al-Jalban , as the number of these arrivals reached about ten thousand Mongols and they belonged to the Ubrat sect , which is the same tribe to which Sultan Katbaba belonged , who held the position of the Sultan’s deputy in this period , so he welcomed them greatly and placed them in special
areas in Cairo and the Levant as well. This gave them fiefdoms and military ranks at the expense of other elements in the Saluki army ,
which had a negative impact on all the political events during his reign and on the alliance of princes of other non-operan types until they were able to remove him from power. On in addition to the bed social effects that resulted from the arrival of these sects , which were reflected in the Egyptian society’s rejection of them, as they were Watanese and refused to convert to Islam and leave their pagan customs .
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