The Influence of Turk on Abbasid Caliphs and Its Impact in the establishment of the Independent Emirates


  • Omar Falah Abdul Jabbar الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب/قسم التاريخ


caliph Al-Mutawakkil, The Turkish, The Second Abbasid Era


The phase of fragility that the Abbasid Caliphate faced (232-334 A.H.) was described by historians as the era of Turkish domination. It was caused by the weakness as well as the inexperience of Caliphs of the above mentioned period because the leader s hip was shouldered to Non-Arabs of followers and Turks and keeping Arab qualified leaders away from authority.  This is why, there was an imbalance of power of the Abbasid State and put it in a critical situation without any supporter from its own state. Therefore, some anti-caliphate movements floated on the surface among such movements were anti­social and political ones not to mention to count e r revolutions. For this reason, the authority of the caliph was weakened and his authority had become within the religious jurisdiction. Moreover, separatist calls of some states of the surrounding Abbasid State appeared.

The pledge of allegiance made by Turkish leaders to the caliph Al-Mutawakkil. Then, organizing a coup against him and killing him was starting point of the Turkish domination against Caliphs of the period mentioned above. Following the event in question, weak and ill-willed Caliphs ran the state. In other words, the caliphate was not formed unless getting permission from them. And they were appointing the ones they wish not to mention expelling or killing the ones they hate.


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How to Cite

The Influence of Turk on Abbasid Caliphs and Its Impact in the establishment of the Independent Emirates. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 86, 309-330.

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