German-Zionist Relations 1933-1939 (A study in the foundations of the Nazi-Zionist rapprochement)
Germany, Nazism, theJews, the Havarra agreement, German relations, the Zionist OrganizationAbstract
Despite the issuance of the emancipation decree of the Jews in 1812, it did not lead to social integration between the Jews and the Germans, which prompted the Prussian government since the late nineteenth century to search for a national home for the Jews in Palestine on the grounds that it is the promised land agreed upon by all Jews. This policy did not change throughout the period extending from the era of the empire, which was declared with German unity in 1871, through the First World War, and until the Weimar Republic, which ended at the hands of the German National Socialist Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party for sho
Aryan race - according to the Nazi ideology - and their presence was one of the most important reasons for the decline of the German nation. For the first time, the Nazi regime witnessed a governmental consensus that Palestine be the main interface for German Jews. This approach was linked at the beginning to persuasion and motivation through cooperation with the Zionist movement in organizing immigration to Palestine through the signing of the Displacement Agreement or what is known as the Ha'avara in 1933 between Germany. Nazism and the Zionist movement, to adopt this policy after 1933 the policy of coercion and abuse To cleanse Germany of the Jews and push them to immigrate to Palestine. This policy had political and economic repercussions that reflected positively on the Zionist movement's project to build their state in Palestine.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to show the foundations of the intellectual and ideological convergence between the Nazi Party on the one hand and the Zionist movement on the other, which added to practical cooperation between the two parties to serve their ideological interests, especially those related to the formation of their state according to their political theory of forming the state. And to prove the role of Germany, especially during the Nazi era, to support Jewish settlement activity in Palestine. The study will deal with the historical roots of the nature of German-Jewish relations in the various stages of the history of the German state, starting from the imperial era and the republican era to the Nazi era, the subject of research, which took a more practical form in implementing the displacement policy according to the displacement treaty, or what is known as the deportation treaty Ha'avara
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