Mauritania's role in the Western Sahara conflict (1975-1978) 'Historical study'
Western Sahara, Mauritania, PolisarioAbstract
Throughout its long history, the countries of Africa have suffered from internal and external disruptions, perhaps the most prominent of which is the fall of all these countries under the weight of foreign colonialism, and their division into French, Spanish, British and Belgian spheres of influence, which forced them to lose their freedom and persecute their peoples, this matter eventually led to the emergence of interdependence between countries Africa to liberate its homelands.
There is no doubt that the problem of Western Sahara in the Maghreb is just one image of the colonial division that was imposed on the Arab-African countries, and the colonial circles helped nurture the spirit of conflict between the Arab parties, as well as its effects on the African continent and international and strategic relations. Contradictory policies and interests have also played a role in fueling conflict between the parties involved.
In light of this, the issue of the conflict in Western Sahara has received the concerns of the Mauritanian regime, as it relied in its policy from that conflict to the basis of history, geography and social ties. This research attempted to shed light on the role of Mauritania from the types of Western Sahara for the years (1975-1978), as it was divided into three main axes. The first dealt with Mauritania's position on the issue of Western Sahara until 1975, while the second dealt with the role of Mauritania in the Western Sahara conflict. The third axis examines the impact of the conflict in Western Sahara on the Mauritanian reality, and the extent of that conflict's impact on the political and economic reality
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