تقديس الكلب في معتقدات الشرق الادنى القديم (بلاد الرافدين و وادي النيل أنموذجا)


  • Hussein aliwey abdul_hussein Al-saadi كلية الآثار / جامعة الكوفة


بلاد الرافدين, بلاد وادي النيل, التقديس


Dogs in the two civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Nile Valley enjoy a kind of sanctification that reached the point of cultism as a result of the importance of this animal in people’s lives, especially in hunting and grazing operations in which the role of the dog was pivotal, as its presence with human beings since early times constituted a factor that helped in those operations for the purpose of obtaining  the food.  Then the importance of the dog developed in both civilizations, and other activities and tasks appeared in the arena of belief, as it was entered into magical practices of a religious nature to treat and heal people from psychological diseases caused by some demons and physical ones that are treated from dog remains such as droppings.  Although some demons that cause evil to humans are similar to this animal.  He was also given the task of guiding Almuty to the underworld.  And protecting their bodies by interfering with the embalming processes of the Egyptians, as it was considered a god of mummification and a protector of tombs in the civilization of the Nile Valley.


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المصادر الاجنبية

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How to Cite

تقديس الكلب في معتقدات الشرق الادنى القديم (بلاد الرافدين و وادي النيل أنموذجا). (2022). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 83, 353-368. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/289

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