الاثر العلمي والفكري للفقيه ابو عمران الفاسي في المغرب(ت 430هـ/ 1038م)


  • Ban Ali Muhammad University of Baghdad/College of Education for Woman


Fas, Rihla, Students, Sanhaja,Fatawaa


In the  history  of the Islamic west,names and personalities who had a role in the service of Islamic sciences and devoted their lives to science and invested these sciences shined when she sat among the students to spread it among them, including the jurist Abu Imran Al-Fassi,who assumed a high position among the scholars of his time  and was taught by the great  scholars, including Abu Al-Hassan Al-Qabi and Abu Baker Al-Zuwaili, Abu Muhammad Al-Asili and others, and he left in the pursuit of knowledge.He had an eastern journey .He heard from a large group of scholars , most notably Abu Al-Fath bin Abi Al-Fawares ,Abu Al-Hassen Ali bin Ibrahim and others. After his settlement in Kairouan ,groups of students from various places began to flock to him,including Abu Muhammad Abd Al-Aziz Al-Tunisi,who is from the city of Aghmat, as well as Wajjaj bin Zallo Al-Latti, who is from  Al-Sus Al-Aqsa.They studied under him the Maliki school of thought.


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How to Cite

الاثر العلمي والفكري للفقيه ابو عمران الفاسي في المغرب(ت 430هـ/ 1038م). (2022). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 82, 787-804. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/267

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