The Iraqi Society through a Japanese Perspective: A Sociological Study
Iraqi society, Japanese society, stereotypesAbstract
The study titled "The Iraqi Society through a Japanese Perspective: A Sociological Study" explores the perceptions of certain members of Japanese society towards Iraqi society. The focus of the study is on the stereotypes held about 'the other,' and how these perceptions shape specific behaviors and reactions, rooted in subconscious beliefs. The research aims to understand the stereotypical image of Iraqis from a Japanese viewpoint. Despite the geographical distance and technological and economic disparities between the two countries, Japan and Iraq share historical ties, particularly in political and economic spheres, which have fluctuated depending on the political, security, and economic conditions.
The study seeks to analyze the perspectives of Japanese academics by using document analysis of various articles and research papers. Additionally, interviews were conducted with 24 participants from Japan. The central research question was: "How do the Japanese view Iraqi society?" The study found that academic research often focused on specific aspects due to historical and temporal contexts, as well as the personal interests and positions of the researchers, which sometimes led to a narrowed scope. Interview results revealed that professors and students held positive and informed views about Iraqi society; however, they hesitated to publish or disseminate this content due to the security situation at the time. As for the public in Japan, their views ranged from having no knowledge of Iraqi society to holding negative perceptions, influenced by prevailing stereotypes.
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- تاريخ الاطلاع: 28 أكتوبر 2024

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