التهدید وسبل التدمیر الشامل للمواقع الآثرية (لجامع وضريح النبي یونس علیه السلام) السیاحیة من قبل تنظيم داعش الارهابي في مدینة الموصل - العراق
(دراسة سیاحیة آثاريه قومية)
الامن, الارهاب, اقتصادیات, السیاحیةAbstract
This research paper describes a recording approach that aims to destroy archaeological and touristic sites by militias and terrorist organizations، "especially the presence of some effects and the collapse of religious tourism sites by the militias and people of the region. In the Kurdistan Region - Iraq، especially in understanding the incorporation of heritage information activities within the path of conservation operations in archaeological sites and religious tourism in the province of Mosul. Preservation strategies are implemented، implemented، and monitored by local security agencies، international organizations، and ways of protecting them by media institutions. Good decision-making in the field of conservation depends on available information; in this sense، adherence to a systematic approach to collecting relevant information at a time is critical. The appropriate area، storage، management، and presentation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region today، in general، to the guidelines، and to the necessary procedures from here to practice activities related to heritage and antiquities information، and the methodology outlined seeks to establish lines Directed in this field. Some religious and archaeological sites have been destroyed by the terrorist organization ISIS، especially the approach within the framework of the “Archeology Program” in the archaeological centers in particular to study the preservation and restoration of cultural property - UNESCO - and it plays an important role entrusted to the Archeology Program regarding appropriate professional development conservation methods and techniques In the study area، this work is based on “threats and means of archaeological collapse in the mosque and the Prophet Yunus tourist shrine by terrorism (ISIS) in the city of Mosul - Iraq (a national archeological tourism study) on recording، documenting and managing information in the field of preserving the heritage. Agafa. The research paper provides examples of professionals specialized in preserving antiquities and heritage in various archaeological sites in Mosul and the Kurdistan Region – Iraq
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