American Policy Towards Somalia and Its Impact on The Horn of Africa 2001-2006


  • Sudad Kazim mahdi مركز المستنصرية للدراسات العربية والدولية / الجامعة المستنصرية


امريكا, الصومال, سياسة, الارهاب, الاسلام, القرن الافريقي


   The subject of US policy towards Somalia between 2001-2007 deals with an important aspect of the history of US-Somali relations, which have been known since their inception in the second half of the twentieth century, with numerous confrontations, divergence and convergence in different historical stages. The research aims to trace the paths of the hard-line American policy towards Somalia in the stage of the United States' unilateralism as a superpower over the international system, and its declaration of war to combat the so-called "terrorism", which led to Somalia being a field for confronting extremist currents through the United States declaring war by proxy with Ethiopia until it became a kind of The war of attrition with the Mujahideen Youth Movement.


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From the U.S. Government Printing Office, DOCID: f:pub l040.107

Page 115 STAT. 224.

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- Walter H. Kansteiner, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs

Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs

Washington, DC , February 6, 2002.

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University theses.

- Mohamed .A,Mohamed ,US Strategic Interest in Somalia : From Cold War on Terror , A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the State University at Buffalo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree , United States , 2009 .


- Henze ,Paul ,B,The United State and the Horn of Africa : History and Current Challenge Rand Corporation ,Santa Monico, 1990.

- Jeffrey A. Lefebvre, Arms for the Horn: U.S. security policy in Ethiopia and Somalia, 1953-1991, University of Pittsburgh Press,1991.

- Lewis, M, Nationalism and Self Determination in The Horn Of Africa, London, Westview Press, 1983.

- Madan .M.Sauldie , Ethiopia Dawn of the Red STAR, new York , 19 82.

- Menkhaus .Ken ,S omalia and the Horn of Africa , World Bank, Washington, DC ,2011.

- Moller, Bjorn ,The Horn of Africa and the US "War on Terror" with special Focus on Somalia Internationale Studier og Samfundsforhold, Aalborg Universitet , Denmark,2009.

- Moller.Bjon,The Somali conflict ,The rol of External Actors ,Danish Institute For International Studie Dils ,Copenhagen,2009.


- Shinn, David H, and Joshua Eisenman, China and Africa: A Century of Engagement , University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.

- Patman .Robert.G. The Roots of strategic failure: The Somalia Syndrome and Al Qaeda’s path to 9/11, International Politics Vol. 52, Department of Politics, University of Otago, , New Zealand. 2015.

- Peter J Quaranto , Building States While Fihgting Terror, Contradictions in United States Strategy in Somalia From 2001 TO 2007, USA, 2008.

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- صلاح الدين حافظ ، صراع القوى العظمى حول القرن الإفريقي ، الكويت ، 1982.

Research published in journals.

- Barnes, cedric and Hassan,Harun, The Rise and Fall of Mogadishu's Islamic Courts , Journal of Eastern African Stadies , vol .1, issue .2,2007..

-. Ignacio, Gatierrez de TERAN Gomez -Benta I Somalia, entre la furia de EEUU 23- Somalia, entre la furia de EEUU y el resurgimiento del enero, - "الصومال أو الأزمة التي لا تنتهي: بين مطرقة التدخل الأمريكي وسندان الإسلام " السياسي Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos - REIM - Nº 1 -I abril, 2007.

- Elliot, Ashley and Holzer, Georg-Sebastian ,The invention of ‘terrorism’ in Somalia: paradigms and policy in US foreign relations South African, Journal of International Affairs International Affairs, Vol. 16, No. 2, August 2009..


- Abdullahi, A. “The Roots of the Islamic Conflict in Somalia.” Somalia: Exploring a Way Out. Nairobi: National Civic Forum, 4 June 2010.

- David Gollust, US Concerned Somalia Conflict Could Spread Washington02 November 2006.

- Carnage as Somalia 'in state of war'" 22 december2006. -


- Somalia’s Islamists, AFRICA REPORT N 100, International Crisi Group 12 DECEMBER 2005.

- Somalia: Review of 2002, Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 NAIROBI , 17 Jan 2003.

- Stewart, Richard. W, The United States Army in Somalia, 1992–1994, United States Forces, Somalia After Action Report and Historical Overview, Center of Military History United States Army, Washington, D.C, 2003,

- The HIdden US War in Somalia , Civilan Casual Ties From Air Striks in Lower Shabblily Amnesty International,London,2019.

- Williams .Paul, UNDERSTANDING Policy in Somalia Current Challenges and Future Options, RESEARCH PAPER, Chatham House ISBN: 978 1 78413 401 3 PAPER14 JULY 2020.


Encyclopedias .

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,







How to Cite

American Policy Towards Somalia and Its Impact on The Horn of Africa 2001-2006. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, ملحق 84, 439-462.

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