The United Nations Convention "Oil for Food" and its implications for Iraq's economic and knowledge structure and living standard, 1995–2003
Convention, Negotiations, Security Council Resolutions, Financial Returns, nutrition securityAbstract
The economic sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council on Iraq were: By issuing a series of UN resolutions, created difficult situations, reflected on the human side and the difficult living conditions of the Iraqi people, which led to the destruction of infrastructure, As well as its impact on the health and educational conditions of Iraqi society, in order to avert a humanitarian catastrophe due to the devastating effects of the economic blockade, the Security Council's work to restructure economic sanctions through the issuance of Resolution No. 986 on April 14, 1995, through which an agreement was signed (oil-for-food), which allowed all countries to import Iraqi oil to provide financial returns, To achieve the basic objective of the Convention, which is to provide basic humanitarian needs for food and health items, Despite the Convention's failure to achieve all its objectives, especially in the health, education, and agricultural aspects, But it worked to reduce the effects of the blockade by supporting the ration card's goods and equipping them with quality foodstuffs, which contributed to the rescue of millions of Iraqi people, especially poor and low-income groups.
اولاً : الوثائق :
وثائق الامم المتحدة ( قرارات وتقارير مجلس الامن الدولي )
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