Specialized educational instituions in Khurasan in the Seljuk era - 558 A.H /1037-1162 A.C) 429)
Khorasan, politics, schools, mosquesAbstract
Khorasan is considered a meeting place for scholars from among the poles of the lslamic world , due to the presence of factors that helped this importance , including security and safety , availability of funds, and appropiate conditions for intellectual creativity.
Minister Nizam alMulk is considered one of the most famous Seljuk ministers interested in building schools , which were named after him ( regular schools).
Several educational institutios have been established in Khorasan, which are the houses of scholars ,mosques ,schools, linkags , and others.
These educational institutions specialized in studying one of the lslamic schools,such as Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanafl schools.
lt also specialized in studying a branch of knowledge such as hadith,theology, language, and other sciences.
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