Unpublished Economic Texts from the Era of King Abi-sin
barley, workers, priestessAbstract
Ur III dynasty is considered one of the most important antiquity in Mesopotamia and the last era , politician of the Sumerians in which five rulers ruled , they are each of ur-nammu and the founder of the ruling dynasty and shulki and amarsin and shusin and abi-sin ,the last kings of this era .their era witnessed prosperity in various aspects of economic ,political ,social ,religious ,cultural and urban life .the contents of the text varied ,and the majority of them were economic because of the economic prosperity ,as they depended on agriculture and livestock .as for the texts of the research ,they were classified within the confiscation texts ,meaning that the government authorities confiscated them from antiquities thieves and the place of finding is not known .it and any city from which these texts were extracted and the cuneiform in it were relied upon . A group of these texts dating back to the time of king abi sin were selected and included.
The texts are as follows:
The first text: the inclusion of barley rations for the milling workers who completed the work in the first year, abi sin .
The second text: it includes distributing a quantity of barley to workers on the day that was created or cleaned mama-sharat channel.
Text three: distribution of expenses from the barley ration in the first month of the year that in it, the priestess of the gods ,inanna ,was ghosen by divination .
Text four: it included receiving barley as offerings in the year in which abi sin malik was destroyed ur city simorom .
(1) MDA, P.231; CAD, P.75
(2) CAD, A, P.259; Halloran, J.A., Sum Lex…, P.130; Cohen, M.E., The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East, Mary Land, 1993, P.4;
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(4)AnOr-13, P.89.
(5)CDA, P.81; Abz, 151.
(6)CDA, P.125; Abz, P.139
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(9)RIA-8, P.395.
(10)CUSAS-4, P.736; Watson, P. J., Neo Sumerian Tets from Umma and Other Sites, CCT-2, England, 1993, P.85.
(11)MDA, P.67; GAAL-4, P.31.
(12)CAD, P.130b; Edzard, D., Verwaltung Texte Verschiedench Inhalts Aus Dew Archive, (ARET/2), (Rome, 1981), P.50.
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(21)AOAT, 307, P.260; CAD, Š, P.75.
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(31)Molina, M., Material Peril Vocabolario Neo sumerico, (MVN/22), Roma, 2003), P.230; Garfimkie, S., & Other., Ur III Tablets from the Columbia University Libraries, (CUSAS. 16), (Maryland, 2010), P.304.
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(35)Parpola, S., Etymological Dictionary of the Sumerian Language, USA, 2016, P.346; Hilgert, M., Drehem Administrative Ducuments from the Reign of Amar-suena, OIP-121, Chicago, 2003, P.436.
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(39)RIME 3/2, P.362; Sigrist, M., & Damerow, P., Mesopotamian Year Names, (Berlin, 2001), P.24.
(40)ŠL-1, P.238; NG, 3, P.107.
(41)NG. 3, P.139;
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(42)GAAL. 4, P.106; CAD, P.426.
(43)رشيد، فوزي، قواعد اللغة السومرية، (دمشق:2009) ، ص67.
(44)Thomsen, M.L., Sum.L, P.162.
(45)NG 3, P.150; CAD, N, P.32; Ahw, P.699.
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(47)CAD, P.130b; Edzard, D., Verwaltung Texte Verschiedench Inhalts Aus Dew Archive, (ARET/2), (Rome, 1981), P.50.
(48)Nisaba-15, P.463; Dozorzi, M., Archive fur Orientforschung, AFO-53, (2015), p.41; MVN-29, P.23.
(49)ASJ-9, P.126; Ylidiz, F., & Gomia, T., Die Puzriš-Dagan Text der Istanbuler Archaologi-schen Museum, FAOS-16, (Stuttgrat:1988), P.243.
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(52)MDA, P.235.
(53)MDA, P.143.
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(56)CAD, S, P.215; MDA, P.43; Hallo, W., Appendix to David Owen, ASJ-3, Japan, 1981, P.70.
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(58)Sallaberger, W., Der Kultische Kalender Der Ur II Zeit, UAVA/7, (Berlin,1993), P.8; Hunger, H., Reallexikon Der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischn Archaologie, RLA/5, (Berlin, 1976-1980), P.300.
(59)MDA, P71.
(60)MDA, P.55.
(61)Abz, P.75; Ahw, P.1064.
(62)AbZ, P.175; CAD/S, P.198;
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(63)CAD, P, P.145.
(64)CUSAS-4, P.34; ŠDG-1, P.170; Grooire, Jean Pirre, Archives Administrative A sumeriennes, AAS, Paris, 1970, P.280
(65)Nisaba-6, P.26; SANTAG-6, P.223; Sigrist, M., ''Text from the Babylonian Collection II'', SAT-3, (Bethesda:2000), P181.
(66)ASJ-11, P.345.
(67)AUCT-3, P.7; NG-3, P.42.
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(69)GAAL/4, P.64; ŠDG/1, P.369; CAD, P.253.
(70)Nisaba-15, P.519; BIN-3, P.217; JCS-54, P.63.
(71)CAD, Q, p.312.
(72)RIME, 3/2, P.362; Sigrist, M., & Damerow, P., Mesopotamian…., P.28.
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