Art in Persia during the Achaemenid ear (559-330BC) as a model
art, the Achaemenid ear, popular art, royal or imperial artAbstract
Most sources that deal with the cultural aspect of the Achaemenid era agree that the cultures of the countries that the achaemenid Empire included in its influence are older than the culture of the Achaemenid themselves and that they contributed effectively and influentially in laying the foundation of the Achaemenid culture, especially in the field of architecture, the question that comes to mind is whether the Persian arts, especially in the Achaemenid eare,did not have their own entity and were copies of the arts of other empires ?was the Achaemenid artist merely importer for external artistic manifestations without having new innovations in his field of specialization stemming from the spirit of his nationalism ? What was the artist’s goal in embodying the artistic scenes? Is it a reflection of the reality under which he lives , or is his goal primarily to highlight the strength and prestige of the state ,represented by the king and his royal authority solving this problem requires us to focus on studying authentic Persian art,by which we mean the art of the Persian people ,and influenced art (royal art),bywhich we mean the official art of the Achaemenid Empire ,each of which has its own characteristic and goals for which it was established .This iis what we will explain in our research
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