The educational environment and its impact on the quality of learning history for the primary stage
educational environment, student, teacher, history subject, primary stageAbstract
The educational environment means the surroundings or place in which the learning and teaching process takes place, along with the human and material influences and elements that this environment contains that interact with each other to bring about the required education and the desired change.
The quality of learning includes a set of techniques that must be acquired and controlled, and the teacher is the person who carries out the learning process and its quality. It works primarily to convey a set of knowledge, different forms of thinking, and various skills related to historical material in addition to social, religious, and moral values.
Since history is concerned with economic and political values and activities in the past and present, human interaction with his social and natural environment and its problems, future expectations, cultural heritage and its vital characteristics, because it means studying everything about humans and their environments, and given the importance of history, it is necessary to use good and effective teaching, and teaching it does not only require Not only the teacher and the book, but it also needs educational means such as maps, photographs, videos, and computers. Therefore, the teaching of history has become affected in its teaching methods by the transformations that occur in educational systems as a result of developments in the field of educational theories and concepts. Therefore, teaching history must take a direction that is compatible with future developments and orientalism, and they must use teaching strategies that achieve the goal of preserving the structure of history as a science and a subject of study in terms of concepts, facts, and events. Methods must also be invented that help in achieving the skills of studying history, and it is necessary to oblige teachers to develop their professional competencies in a way It is balanced with the requirements and characteristics of the future educational structure in a way that suits the characteristics of the students and meets their needs
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