Türkiye's political orientations towards Turkmenistan 1991-2002
Turkey's politics, Turkmenistan, Turkut Ozal, Saparmurat Niyazov Turkmenbashi, Suleiman Demirel, Ahmet Necdet SezerAbstract
Turkmenistan is one of the Turkish countries in Central Asia. It was part of the former Soviet Union system. It declared its independence from the latter in 1991, like the rest of the Central Asian countries. Its independence constituted a point of attraction for a number of countries, including the Republic of Turkey, as Turkey saw common ties with Turkmenistan. Links Through it, it is possible to get closer to each other and achieve mutual benefits, given that Turkmenistan possesses great economic resources. In addition, Turkey sought to attract Turkmenistan towards it in the hope of forming a grouping of Turkish countries similar to the international groupings at that time, such as the European Union, for example. These factors encouraged Turkey to move towards Turkmenistan, but its efforts to establish strong and good relations with Turkmenistan were not at a uniform pace, as it often collided with many political and economic obstacles. In addition, Turkish politicians were not as enthusiastic about moving towards Turkmenistan and other Turkish countries, as we find, for example, that Turkish President Turkut Ozal was a lover of the Turkish countries in Central Asia, so he pushed with great enthusiasm to strengthen Turkey’s relations with them, but after his death in 1993, relations gradually weakened because Ozal’s successors were not with the same enthusiasm towards the Turkish countries in Central Asia. This is on the one hand, and that both...
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