Alsharif Ahmad AlriysuniWadawruhAlsiyasiu In AlmaghribAlaqsaa (1871-1925)


  • Huda Hussein Musa الجامعة المستنصرية كلية التربية


الشريف أحمد الريسوني, دور, سياسة


harif Ahmed Al-Risouni is considered one of the important figures in the history of Al-Aqsa Maghrib, as he invested his honorable lineage, which he returns to the Prophet Muhammad (9) and was able to collect tribes loyal to him. Sharif Ahmed Al-Risouni followed the method of revenge against his enemies and stirred fear and terror among their ranks, especially after his kidnapping of large and influential foreign personalities with the foreign countries to which these personalities belong. It is possible to introduce the world to the internal conditions of Morocco and the country's desire to be free from foreign occupation, whether Spanish or French


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How to Cite

Alsharif Ahmad AlriysuniWadawruhAlsiyasiu In AlmaghribAlaqsaa (1871-1925). (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 79, 335-358.

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