The Role of Ottoman Schools in the Development of Arab Cultural Arts (The "Thuluth" Calligraphy as a Case Study)
Ottoman School, Cultural Arts, Tughra calligraphyAbstract
This research came to shed light on a very important topic, which is the role of the Ottoman school in the development of Arab Cultural Arts (Tughra calligraphy as a model), by addressing Arabic calligraphy in the Ottoman school, the nature of the Tughra calligraphy, and Tughra on Ottoman coins and the stages of its development. The research has concluded a number of results, the most important of which is that the Ottoman school was able to be represented by new elements that create the distinctive features and characteristics of expression. Thanks to the standards set for the geometry of the letters and the virtuous proportions, which achieved accuracy and balance in the measurement of each letter, in addition to the proportionality between the line, point and circle. Arabic calligraphy has also acquired the aesthetic characteristic and has increased in the degrees of its artistic creativity and has become an art that has almost eighty styles and methods. The Ottomans also looked at crafts with reverence and reverence. Tughra is a unique image of the luxurious and extremely beautiful official signature of the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, and it is also considered the finest achievement of the Ottoman School of art in the development of Arabic calligraphy arts, which is one of the Arab Cultural Arts, and it is one of the decorative images of Arabic calligraphy, which the Ottoman calligrapher sought to perfect.
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