الخطاب الشعري الحسيني بين حتمية الانتماء وبناء النص الفني


  • Ansam Mohammed Rashid University of Baghdad / College of Education Ibn Rushd
  • Jumana Mohammed Rashid University of Baghdad / College of Arts


الخطاب الشعري, الحسيني, النص الفني


It is logical to look into the eye of the truth and see its brilliance when we are constantly confronting the Husseini discourse to find it a comprehensive discourse and a way of life, or to see the truth itself when we address the Husseini issue with research and analysis and distribute its renaissance into sections and detailed work projects that extend to all aspects of life, that is, the Husseini revolution. Its culture was established within the Islamic community in particular and in all parts of the earth in general, and the non-Islamic world also inspired from it a way of life that cannot be overlooked. It has become clear at length in the literary, cultural and political discourse of the greatest men of thought and culture in the world.

 Thus, the revolution of Al-Hussein, peace be upon him, remains the most important humanitarian and creative issue to this day, as the Husseini renaissance was manifested in teaching people higher moral, religious, cultural, and other values, and other concerns that enter the field of creativity and work to sustain and preserve it with the same effectiveness with which the Husseini scene began in Al-Taf. When the fighters won for their Imam, they worked to sharpen their resolve to fight, either for victory or for martyrdom. They would recite some verses that would fan the flame of their courage and give them the ability to confront their enemy. Thus, this approach continues in responding to the Husseini cause to this day in a creative cycle with flavor and notes of faith mixed with the truth and strength of Hussein. His steadfastness in the truth, and in an important part our research will address the language of contemporary poetic text and how creators deal with gentler scenes.

            Our research deals with the language of contemporary poetic text and how creators deal with gentler scenes based on the strength of their pride in Imam Hussein and his cause. It is as if we are not only facing poetic texts, but rather integrated artistic paintings that mix the principle with art and the philosophy of thought with the literary language, and from everything we mentioned here our research will begin and end there.


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How to Cite

الخطاب الشعري الحسيني بين حتمية الانتماء وبناء النص الفني. (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, ملحق 93, 45-78. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/1056

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