الحدث التاريخي بين النص وثقافة مؤرخ والوجه الآخر
الحدث التاريخي, النص وثقافة, الوجه الآخرAbstract
History, as a collection of texts written across different times and places, is an extended temporal distance between the of an event and a time.Write it down The longer the occurrence distance between the time the event occurred and the timeWrite it down Cultures found enough space to enterlt travels About changing the image of the event to suit the the historian who recorded culture of the oral transmitter and .that event
The time distance between the time the event occurred and the time it was recorded in our history extended for more than a century, so events were preserved and transmitted.Orallylt ined its direct relationship omitted other events, and it mainta between the temporal extension and the quantity entering the .transmitter of news and events
the relationship of the event and its rooting in reality is
an almost an illusory relationship, because the recorded event c only be signs and evidence in texts preserved in books, while reality is what does not actually exist and is clearly evident.Like monuments And the inscriptionsRoot it As a reality, not as a ons blog transmitted by an oral culture and written by the visi .and convictions of a historian
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