ome and the Sabines between reality and legend


  • Adel Shabeth Jaber جامعة بغداد/ كلية الاداب
  • Isra Faraj lafta Mustansiriya University College of Arts


روما, سابنيين, اسطورة


Thanks to God, we have completed this research, which is centered on Rome and the Sabeans between reality and myth.

The geographical environment is a major impact on the settlement of tribes and the formation of political and social units and this is what we found in the location of both Rome and the Sabbaths, as Rome was located on the Tiber River, which is the secret in its control over all of Italy as well as control over the maritime trade routes, Four of the seven hills of Rome had a major impact on cutting trade routes b etween the Etruscans and the Greeks as well as taken from the city of Koris as their capital What is attributed to Romulus and kings is the result of efforts made in the late periods of the history of events aimed primarily at clarifying the religious customs and social Roman and therefore merely a myth that may reflect a faint picture of historical truth can be drawn from the lines and truth lies in The myth of Romulus The desire of the Greeks to attribute the founding of Rome to the grandson of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology, so we see the Romans accept this myth changed at the end of the third century BC and prove it in their po We deny that the Sabine King Titus Titus is a legendary figure.

With regard to the abduction of women, Sabine women played a prominent role in maintaining unity and cohesion between both peoples.\




The story of the impact on the elements of Roman marriage is considered the Greek heritage as th As a result of this incident, both peoples were united. As a result, three Sabine kings were ruled by the Sabbath, who were able to demonstrate the merit of the tribe, both militarily and socially.e kidnapper is evidence of masculinity and strength.pular myths


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How to Cite

ome and the Sabines between reality and legend. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 87, 468-485.