"The science of speech "
Speech, Shiites, Controversy, KnowledgeAbstract
Theology is one of the rational sciences with which Muslims are well known, especially after the advent of Islam, where the Noble Qur’an stipulated that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, argued against polytheists and infidels by peaceful and friendly methods at first. . His esteemed household, his companions, took the same method and manner to argue against their opponents with the religious belief. The science of theology grew and developed after the increasing boredom and disintegration of Muslims and the expansion of the Arab Islamic state and the spread of Islam in all its quarters, as every sect defended its religious belief from those who disagreed with it by belief, and personalities emerged who had excelled in the science of theology. And the greeting of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, is rightly the prince of eloquence and eloquence, and he is the author of the firm argument against those who disagreed with his religion and belief, as well as prominent personalities over the ages who were famous for their writings and compilations of different backgrounds who had excelled and excelled in theology.
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