سجال النخبة العراقية حول مخرجات لجنة مونرو
ساطع الحصري, لجنة مونرو, التعليم في العراق, المؤتمر التربوي الاولAbstract
The Iraqi royal government decided to bring in a group of educational specialists to develop an educational plan for the Ministry of Education to operate accordingly, those discussions began in the Parliament in 1930, and the Iraqi government's decision was then approved by King Faisal I, the Prime Minister, and the Director of Education.
Paul Monroe, the director of the International Institute at Columbia University's School of Education, was selected to chair the committee, after several correspondences, Monroe agreed to the Iraqi government's request, as a result, the committee visited various areas of Iraq and, after its visit, presented several educational reforms and proposals.
The Monroe Commission report sparked various reactions from intellectuals and politicians, the initial responses came from the then Director General of Knowledge, Sati' al-Husri, criticism was published in the newspapers, this was followed by reactions from Iraqi intellectuals and politicians who were knowledgeable about the state of education at that time, in addition to Arab and international reactions, these intellectuals not only shed light on the Monroe Commission report, but also criticized Director General of Knowledge to get the most out of it
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خامساً. المجلات والدوريات الاجنبية
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سادساً. الصحف والجرائد العربية
1. جريدة العالم العربي.
2. جريدة الاخاء الوطني.
3. جريدة العراق.
4. جريدة صدى العهد.

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