Intellectual life in the city of Tozeur From the second century AH to the ninth century AH
الحياة الفكرية, مدينة توزر, القرن التاسع الهجريAbstract
Small Islamic cities are no less important than large cities in terms of social, economic or scientific importance, as long as the people of those cities shape the future of their cities with their hands and knowledge. Thus, they gain a position among Muslims and are the focus of attention. The city of Tozeur played the role of an important link in spreading the Islamic religion between its bases in Kairouan and Tunisia and between... The kingdoms and cities of sub-Saharan countries who converted to Islam without fighting, but through Muslim preachers brought with them by merchants from various sects. They spread Islam without distinction and attained a high position among the sons of Africans and their leaders. The study made clear that our Islamic cities need extensive study in all areas of life to show their advantages and abundance. Its production, whether economic or intellectual, is to inform the new generation of its true history and civilization, which the preachers of the shadows have tried to obscure from the enemies of Islam and Muslims
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