An analytical study of the historical sebic formulas in the light of the published texts of the chamber (14)


  • Reyahd Ibrahim Mohammad جامعة بغداد/كلية الاداب /قسم الاثار
  • Basima Jalil abed جامعة بغداد/كلية الاداب /قسم الاثار


دراسة, تحليل, صيغ, تاريخ, نصوص


The system of historical formulations started in use since the dawn of the dynasties, and continued in the history of rulers years in later times until the Kachi era (1595-1162 BC).

It is one of the means to establish the history in Mesopotamia means to give the name of each year of kings years is the Babers event that falls that year. The historical formulas contained in the texts published in the study and previous studies of the texts Alsib not provide historical information about the history of the Kingdom of Ashnona of little importance except four Formulas can be used.

We have received a new version of King Eloni in the Seab by the text No. (30) and remained brief versions included the works of construction and religious and built by the kings, such as the building of the fortresses and fences and the statues of the gods.


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How to Cite

An analytical study of the historical sebic formulas in the light of the published texts of the chamber (14). (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 78, 359-381.

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