الكتابات العبرية في مرقد نبي الله العزير في ميسان
كتابات, عبرية, مرقد, نبي الله العزيرAbstract
Mesopotamia is rich in many important archaeological sites that have had a great role in the course of historical events, whether these sites are very old, such as Gramo, Numric, Ur, Aridu and other many other sites that spread over most parts of Mesopotamia, or those that are It is not very ancient and extends to pre-Islamic and Islamic eras and beyond, including the site or shrine of the Prophet of God ezra. Certainly, every study must have a scientific methodology and steps taken in order to reach the desired goals of the study, and with regard to our project related to the shrine of the Prophet of God ezra. Therefore, we can suggest the nature of the study according to the following steps:
- First: - It is known that Mesopotamia is the cradle of the prophets, and that many of their shrines were annexed by the sites of Mesopotamia, and that the study of these shrines is important from the historical and archaeological point of view, and the shrine of the Prophet of God comes in the forefront.
Objectives of the research: - The project aims to study the writings of the shrine of the Prophet of God ezra, shed light on the most important of the shrine, including architectural remains and written connotations, and study and analyze them in order to benefit from them in the subject of the research.
The importance of the research: - The importance of the research lies in that it sheds light on the shrine of the Prophet of God ezra and highlights the important information related to this shrine, and through the first inspection of the shrine reveals the extent of the importance that the research study can provide, especially since previous studies are scarce information and not exhaustive, and therefore this study It will shed light on a variety of information that will enhance the general understanding of this shrine and thus be an additive study to previous studies on this topic to complete the general frameworks of what is the shrine of the Prophet of God ezra.
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