The Saad abad Charter in 1937 A Contemporary Reading of Relations (Iraq - Turkey – Iran)
ميثاق, سعد اباد, علاقاتAbstract
International covenants and treaties between one state and another strengthen the relationship between political, economic, and diplomatic relations, so how if countries with common ties, such as geographical and religious neighborhoods, are exposed to the same risks and threats, from countries that are greedy with them and their enormous wealth, and Iraq, Turkey and Iran are a model of what they camouflaged, there has been a rapprochement Among them, visits and elimination of problems, until the relations between them in 1937 became very good. What happened after that was the signing of the Saadabad Charter on the eighth of July of the aforementioned year, in order to cooperate in relation to variousThe fields and confronting the dangers and ambitions that they face, and they agreed to face international issues with a single defender or neutral voice, and this happened in their stance to defend the Palestinian cause and neutrality from the issues of China and Japan and the Second World War, which does not disrespect the great states of their decisions, but even beat them against the wall, and that By occupying Iraq and Iran in 1941, the occupiers continued to work hard to destroy and fail the Charter and the relations of its parties, and they achieved what they aspired to fail and replace it with a new alliance, the Baghdad Pact in 1955.
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