The problematic approach of historian Dr. Sabah Rmaid : introducing the historical concept ... and the limits of employment


  • Rawaa Abdul Kareem Mohamed Diab College of Education / AK Iraqai University
  • Sarmad Akidi Fathy al-Aani College of Education / AK Iraqai University


curriculum, historian, problematic, Rmaid, Sabah


The term problematic is one of the modern terms that were used by the cultural and intellectual circles in the mid-seventies of the last century, and it is derived from the Latin term (problematic). Which faces the study from beginning to end, it is represented by a number of questions that guide the thinking of the historian and regulate his dealings with other historical documents and data, and accordingly, the historical fact may be written differently and differently in the time of the present.



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How to Cite

The problematic approach of historian Dr. Sabah Rmaid : introducing the historical concept ... and the limits of employment . (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 78, 78-100.

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